Open Your Mind and Mouth

Open Your Mind and Mouth

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Racism, Alive and Well

America was cruel to blacks as we began to give them rights as citizens in this great nation. We didn't just hand them everything, the right to vote, to own land, and to attend the best schools. We taunted them and gave them only pieces of what we as white Americans had. The prime example was the right to vote. Although we allowed black (men) to vote in early American elections, each man only represented 3/5 of a vote. This, I am sure, was a way for the Northeastern states as well as the wealthy white land owners in the South to continue their control over the blacks. Nevertheless and regardless of the reasons, it seems that the Democrats are bringing back the same policies as it applies to the primary elections. Ironically this 3/5 policy is hurting the black man in the race. I'll explain.

Barack Obama has swept every race since Super Tuesday. He has dominated each election with overpowering numbers. His 45 minute speeches in front of 19,000 in Houston was full of platitudes of nothingness, but rang true for many Americans across the nation. Yet take a look at the number of delegates he has assigned to him as compared to Hilary and the race looks closer than is really is. I predict Obama will win the nomination, but it won't be from and help for the establishment of the DRC. See, Obama's delegates only count for 3/5 of a vote in the Democratic National Convention. Not really, but with Hilary collecting SUPERDELEGATES like I collected baseball cards as a kid, she is sure to garner significant support in Denver (location of the convention). It is amazing to me that Obama can win every state with ease, collect delegates after delegates, and end up losing the race because Hilary's superdelegates. Sounds like a gimick to me.

Oh yeah, one other fun fact about the Democrats. Florida and Michigan had their delegate stripped because the states pushed up their primaries against the rules of the DNC. What happens in Denver when neither Hilary nor Obama has enough delegates to win the nomination and there in the corner sits FL and MI? I'll tell you what happens. Howard Dean (chairman of the DNC) waves his hand and allows the states to cast their delegates. Guess what, Hilary won both of those states! Howard Dean is also the most establishment Democrat out there. Think he is going to so this to push Barack over the number. I am quite sure he won't.

The Cycle Of Life

Remember way back to when you were young and your parents told you that they were going to take you to town and get ice cream. How excited were you? Didn’t a small thing like going to ice cream with your parents just seem like the most exciting thing in the world? What happened to that magical anticipation we felt when we were children? Where did it go? I wonder to myself why the feeling of mud squishing through my toes as I throw a dirt clod at the trunk of a tree and watch it break into a thousand pieces doesn’t bring the excitement that it did when I was 5 years old. Wasn’t childhood the best? Wasn’t it so exciting to feel all of those new feelings for the first time? Flying on a plane for the first time, fishing for the first time, Disneyland for the first time, going on your first campout. When I think about it I can almost smell the smoke from the campfire. What an overwhelming feeling of bliss it was. When we get older that overwhelming feeling tends to fade. Yes, we do get excited once in a while, but you must admit, it is not the same. Sure, we look forward to attending a basketball game and we enjoy eating out, but do we giggle with uncontrollable joy when our friend arrives at our house for a sleepover? Why is it? Well, I don’t pretend to have the answer. Maybe we get to “cool.” Remember when things your parents did first started to embarrass you? Maybe that’s when the fading begins. Maybe repetition dulls the exhilaration and as time passes the brilliance of novelty is replaced by waning passion. I don’t know. However, there is one thing that I do know for sure; amidst this seemingly cruel pattern of life there is a beam of hope that shines out of life’s merciful cycle. Everything is cyclical. That magical feeling does return. It returns when we become parents. We see things new again, but we see them through our children’s eyes. That fascination we once held so dear again fills our souls. We experience, once again, flying for the first time, fishing for the first time, Disneyland for the first time, camping for the first time. Once again we giggle uncontrollably, but this time it is with our children in our arms. Same emotions, different scenes. For this “cycle of life” I am grateful. I can’t imagine how it would be to be “grown-up” forever.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Election That Really Matters (And Certainly Gets More Votes!)

Last night Fox announced the final '24' on American Idol Season 7. I'll have to admit, it was pretty exciting. Lots of tears, crying, hugging, and an overall mutual admiration society. Fun all around. So, in keeping with tradition I will look into my crystal ball and give my predictions.

Top 10:
Colton David Berry - professionally trained singer (Clay Aiken like)
David Archuleta - young, great singer, with a heartfelt story. Plus, the chicks dig a young hottie.
Michael Johns - Aussie, what more do I need to say?
Luke Menard - I just have a feeling about this guy, but he won't make it very far past the top 10
Jason Yeagar - energy and good voice. Also won't make it far past the top 10.

Kristy Lee Cook - think Carrie Underwood from OR. She can sing and she is smokin!
Katy Malloy - Texas girls always go far.
Syesha Mercado - this girl exudes energy and happiness. Plus she can sing. Did you see her legs? WOW!
Joanne Borella - Once again, just have a feeling. No reason.
Carly Smithson - she's Irish, and Black Irish to boot. If she keeps long sleeves on she will go far, very far.

Bottom 6 (first 6 out):
Robbie Carrico - cut the dreads man
Garrett Haley - Is he a guy or a girl?
Danny Noriega - Flammer!!

Alexandrea Lushington - won't cut it
Amy Jean Davis - she thinks she is hot stuff, but America will see through it.
Ramiele Malubay - smokin' hot, but too short and too young.

Top 4:
Michael Johns - gets there on the women vote; he's hot and and Aussie. Oh yeah, he can sing as well.
Colton David Barry - kid can sing.

Kristy Lee Cook - look at the photo. Then close your eyes and listen to her sing. Put them together and she's a lock.
Syesha Mercado - her legs will get her farther than her voice.

Kristy Lee Cook - say hello to the next country star!! Carrie Underwood better watch out.

This year will break all records for American Idol. Considering it will all take place just before the presidential elections, I am sure that every pundit across the nation will chastise American Idol viewers because we cast 30 million votes nightly but can barely break half that number for the general election. Maybe MSNBC ought to have text message, 1-800, and email voting for an hour after the presidential debates to announce the winner of that debate. That might add some excitement.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Oh, The Sad Day We Saw! What Happened To 1985?

Today Roger "The Rocket" Clemens sat two seats away his former trainer and "family member" Brian McNamee in a Congressional hearing on steriods. First off, what the hell are our congressman doing spending taxpayer money on a witchhunt . . . I mean hearing on steroids? Shouldn't they be looking into drilling in ANWR, or how to get REAL drugs off the streets, or healthcare for the American child, or how we get more jobs to stay in America? Why spend time talking to MLB baseball players about steroids? The American people don't care and want this topic dropped! So shouldn't our REPRESENTATIVES in Washington actually REPRESENT what we want? (That is a whole other topic for another article.)

Now on the issue of The Rocket and his testimony. This was a classic brawl - FOX should have bid for this on primetime TV instead of broadcast of C-SPAN and clips in ESPN. No, Brian and The Rocket didn't duke it out, but there were certainly fireworks. This was better than any Divorce Court or WWE. Let me put this into perspective. Two professionals in their own fields testify UNDER OATH to the US Congress about whether Roger Clemens took steroids and HGH. McNamee testified (under oath) that her injected Clemens in the butt many times. He testified that he also injected Andy Pettite and other players. Other than Clemens, the other the players have admitted. Further, McNamee testified that he turned over syringes containing Roger's DNA and the HGH and steroids to federal investigators. On the flip side, Clemens testified (also under oath) that he did not take HGH or steroids. He testified that he was given Lidocine and Vitamin B-12 but nothing else. So we have one period of time and two sworn testimonies relaying two very different things.

Now throw in the DNA. Either the feds have it or not. Clemens has to realize this. Either they have it and are testing it or McNamee is lying. If they do not have it then the whole case gets thrown out the window. If they do and Clemens' DNA is found then he gets thrown out the window. Say goodbye to the Hall of Fame. I'll send Pete Rose over to visit.

I guess what I am saying is that I do not understand how Roger Clemens can say to his family, his friends, MLB, and the fans that he did not take steroids or HGH, AT ALL. It seems obvious to me that he did and that the evidence is going to continue to pile up against him. Is making it into the Hall of Fame more important that making to jail for perjury? It makes not sense. Listen, I love Roger Clemens. You want to talk about man-crush - this is it for me. In 1985 I became a Boston Red Sox fan and have never looked back. 21 is my favorite number. Why? Clemens wore 21 in Boston. I can forgive Clemens for playing in N.Y. twice, but I cannot believe him now or forgive him for cheating. Bonds is a dirtbag and will get his in the end. Unfortunately Clemens looks to get his as well. I am not quite sure why The Rocket didn't follow the example of Jason Giambi and admit to the mistake and move on. Why open a larger can of worms? Good luck Roger, but I am afraid that the numbers 21 or 23 are already taken in in jail. I hope you, Pete, and Barry enjoy your view from the outside.

It's Called Math

Here are the numbers Mike. Remeber, this is called MATH. I am not sure that you folks in Hope got this level of math, so I will talk slowly.

Total delegates needed to win the nomination: 1,191
Total RNC delegates available: 2,380
Total delegates you have secured as of today: 217
Total delegates available in remaining elections: 1,034
Total delegates that you will have IF you SWEEP all remaining delegates: 1,251 (which is enough to win the nomination)
Total delegates McCain needs to win the nomination: 364
Total delegates in Wisconsin, Texas, Ohio, RI, VT, and PA (all of which McCain will win): 379

Race over Mike. You CANNOT win. There is not way that you can sweep any of the remaining races. You can only allow McCain to get 60 delegates of the remaining 1,034 - not going to happen. Quit throwing money away and making the media spend time on you. You are an egomaniac and you WILL NOT win. End it now!

Give Him Credit - He Has Spirit! (And That May Be Enough)

The one thing Obama has that McCain does not have will be the one thing that loses the election for McCain. Spirit. Senator Obama has the spirit of something new and it is this spirit that is taking off like a rocket around the nation. We can witness the wildfire of supposed change that is igniting the souls of so many who are sick of
the status quo. Now, don’t get me wrong, I disagree with most of what Mr. Obama subscribes to. Unfortunately, as sad as I am to say it, there are many out there who think he is the one who will bring about true change. Why? Because when he speaks he is inspiring, while Senator Clinton is about inspiring as a dead horse. This is the reason Obama is currently overtaking Hillary and he will be the Democrat party nominee. This is also the reason he will defeat McCain. When Obama speaks, he sounds presidential. When McCain speaks he sounds like an ornery old man who all too often laughs at his own jokes, while his crowd is awkwardly silent.

You see, the Republican party is somewhat fractured. It is trying to heal itself,
but it does not have the appropriate candidate who will lead it to the healing waters. McCain still polarizes the conservative right, we have a problem with his liberal history. Some will fall in line and support McCain, but there will still be a fair number of us who will stick to our values and not cave to what the “party” does or says just because it is our party and he is the lesser of two evils. There are certain principles and policies that are too important to give up on just because we want our nominee to win. When Obama becomes the Democrat party nominee, there will be many independents who had previously supported McCain in the primaries, who will line up to vote for Obama. When Obama wins the primaries, he will have the entire Democrat party vote, he will have most of the Independent vote and he will win many of the Moderate Conservative vote. It will be by far the winning majority. McCain will have the military vote, some of the Moderate vote and many of the conservative votes, but not all of the conservatives. It won’t be enough to out-do Obama in the General election. In fact, some of the conservative right will not vote at all and some will even vote for Obama in an effort to stifle
McCain and swing congress in two years. Obama claims he is the voice of change, the “new guy, “ and people do want change. How is McCain going to compete with this? He has been a senator for years and years. Will people really believe McCain when he says he will change Washington? I just don’t think so. When we hear him speak on illegal immigration, does he sound believable? He says he has heard the people and he will build a wall first, but what does that really mean? I think most of us conservatives agree that when the general election begins, he will have some form of amnesty up his sleeve. Just nine months ago he was vehemently the opposite of what we the people wanted. Why didn’t he change then? Back when he heard our
voices shouting loud and clear. You have heard McCain speak, has he inspired you? Enough said. Remember, you are the base; he needs to inspire you in order to get your vote. Talk to your liberal friends. Ask them if Obama has inspired them and they will respond in the affirmative. They will support him in droves. The candidate who awes and inspires will be the candidate who gets people off of their couches and into the voting booths in November.

Monday, February 11, 2008

You're A Funny Man, Huckabee

After the weekend's astounding wins in the south, Mike Huckabee announced to the nation that he was the Wal-Mart candidate. I am not sure what that means. Does it mean that he almost always dirty and overcrowded? Or does it mean that he attracts Mexicans? I am really not sure. Does it mean that he is underpriced and or overdiversified? Maybe he is referring to his fluxuating weight - Wal-Marts used to be small retailers, then they came out with the super center, and now you see the Neighborhood Wal-Marts. I know, his comments meant that you can find him in any small, white-trash town in America ruining the business of hard-working mom-and-pop-shops. I just am not quite sure what he meant! Last time I went into Wal-Mart I had to wait in line for 15 minutes just to get poor service. Is that it Mike? So we have to wait forever for you and then get poor service in return? I know Wal-Mart has the price match guarantee. Maybe Mike meant that he will match anybody's offer. Does that include McCain's liberal stands on issues? I simply can't figure it out - What did you mean Mike?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Goodbye Mitt!

Today Mitt Romney "suspended" his candidacy for President of the United States. McCain called him as appropriate. And as I called earlier, McCain is calling Huckabee to give him the news and ask him to step aside as well. I am sure Huckabutt will follow suit in less than 48 hours.

So Goodbye to Mitt Romney. And goodbye to conservative Republicans. McCain gets to now focus on the Democrats as they battle each other over the next few months. McCain can sharpen his moderate conservative credentials and move to the center.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Patting Myself On The Back - Crystal Ball #2

Just a quick note to point out that I was not too far off on the number of states that Mitt Romney would win. I said 8 and he won 7 and had W.V. stolen from him. That equals 8. I was a mile off on the delegates, but we will wait for the final count to see how far off. Huckabutt did much better than expected and thankfully! He took some of McCain's 12 wins away from him. I'm surely getting better, but I had better not quit my day job. Look for Crystal Ball #3 sometime in the future.

Live To Fight Another Day

Goodbye Mitt Romney. Your $35 million introduction to the country was not spent is vain. Leave the race now and live to fight another day. Here are my suggestions for your campaign:

- Drop out of the race ASAP with dignity, pride, and 7 good wins on Super Tuesday. Do not battle in DC, VA, and MD; you will lose all three and have to drop out on a down note.
- Invest your remaining cash wisely over the next four years. I am sure that you can turn your remaining fortune into millions more over 4 years.
- Sharpen your message throughout the NE, Southern states, and CA over the next four years. I would spend every waking moment in FL, CA, MA, NY, NJ, CT, and GA touting my conservative credentials.
- Continue to be buddies with Rush, Sean, Laura (especially), Savage, and Bill. They will sing your praises earlier next time.
- Watch with humor as the White House is blemished again by a Clintonian dictator. Watch as the Democrat Congress loses its majority in 2010 because of overspending and ineffectiveness. Watch as the Hilary destroys the faith of millions of supporters.
- Watch McCain bleed into oblivion (like Dole after his turn) after a Nov. loss. Wait for a rematch with Huckabee - the turncoat conservative who joined ticket with McCain. (By the way, watch Huckabee drop out of the race minutes after Romney does and he will throw ALL of his support behind McCain. McCain then chooses Huck as a running mate. Why? McCain needs the South to win in November. McCain needs conservatives to win in Nov. McCain will need Huckabee's message. BUT HUCKABEE DOES NOT NEED MCCAIN - ALTHOUGH HIS PRIDE WILL NOT ADMIT THAT.)
- Do it all over again in 2012. The country will be ready for YOU - A conservative with economic experience.

I know it is sad to see yo go, but in the long run you will be better off. Read the history of 1976 and 1980. Reagan you are not, but you certainly can use his example to become great in the eyes of America. See you later Mitt; you will have my vote in 2012!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Liberal BLACK HOLE

I just don’t understand the thinking on the left. Earlier today I sat and listened to the Democrat candidate’s state their plans to bail out those who have over extended themselves with sub-prime mortgages. What is wrong with the world today? How about a plan for all of the purple haired ladies who book bus lines, cruise across the Nevada border and blow all of their social security on the 5 cent slots? Aren’t these little old ladies eating cat food for dinner just to survive? Don’t they need help, too? If you need a little help here, the answer is No! It’s their problem, let them fix it, it is a free country and they got themselves into their own mess. That is the beauty of our system. Once a person is forced to stand up and take responsibility for their own irresponsible actions, a funny thing happens, they learn from it. How about that! A child touches a hot pot- ouch, that hurts...won’t do that again. Furthermore, an idiot takes out a loan that begins to adjust in one year fully aware of the consequences to his actions, one year later the payment increases $400 a month “Ouch that hurts” Won’t do that again, lesson learned. No, no, but that’s not what the Democrats are trying to do. In their perfect scenario it would play out like this: Idiot takes out loan, loan adjusts in one year, payment rises $400 “not to worry” the government will subsidize me, all the while the housing market corrects and my house makes money for me at the governments expense. Wow! That was easy! I think I’ll rely on the government a little more. Not to mention the government isn’t the one bailing the idiot out. It is the taxpayer. Who? Yea, the taxpayer, that’s you and me baby. But don’t worry the Democrats say. It is only the taxpayer that makes over $100,000 per year. Sure, they can afford it, after all, they’re rich, the Democrats say. You see, the liberals, I’m sorry, the progressives, can’t lose. Take money from those who have, give it to the have-nots who, not to mention, haven’t even created their own fair share of wealth in our country. The have-nots love this, its free money, and it is all due to the progressives and their policies. The have-nots then become dependent upon the Democrats and the Democrats now have a solid voting block of dependents. WHAT A BLACK HOLE!!! Which leads me back to the “person on the street” interview I heard today on the news. The question asked was, “whom are you going to vote for and why?” The answer was Hillary Clinton and the reason given was that she really likes Hillary’s plan for those stuck in the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Is there a brick wall nearby, so that I may beat my head upon it? One thing is for sure; you’d better look out, have-nots, because this cycle will end for you. Pretty soon the line between the haves and have-nots will be $70,000, then $50,000, then $30,000 it won’t end, the money’s got to come from somewhere to support big government and the taxman will come for you, too. As long as liberal policies allow big government spending to bail out the irresponsible idiots, the taxpayers will carry the growing burden of deficit. That’s you and me baby and I sure don’t feel rich, do you?

It All Comes Clear

Why would Medved endorse McCain when ALL other conservative talk show hosts endorse Mitt or at least anti-endorse McCain? I was wondering this when I was alerted to the following information:

Medved's father lives in Isreal. Medved is the co-founder of Pacific Jewish Center in CA. Medved, himslef is Jewish. See in that there are no Jewish Republican candidates, Medved had to pick the closest solution. And that would be McCain. One area in which John McCain has been strong is on Isreali rights. See the following link: So Medved looks to continue to support the Isrealis instead of what is best for America. What's that all about? Isn't this election about America? I should also point out that a vast majority of Jews in America are liberal Democrats. I am further not surprised by Medved's endorsement of McCain. Looks like we found another Democrat in Republican clothing. Look who's dupped 3.75 million listeners. Time to expose the fraud.

Listen To The Dow

You want reliable polls, then listen to the Dow Jones. It will tell you everything you need to know about politics and presidents. Don't believe me? The Dow Jones is a measure of confidence. Confidence in what? Confidence in the economy. But, it is a measurement not of the confidence of today's economy, but a measure of the economic future. So today is Super Tuesday. McCain is leading on the Republican side and Hilary and Barack continue to fight it out. Confident with that? Also, a group of economists announced today that the American economy is in a recession. Confident now? Add on top of that forclosure rates that are higher than ever before and home sales lower than ever before. All the major home builders announces record losses for 2007. Confidence is overflowing, right? WRONG! The Dow Jones (as of 3:25 Eastern) has dropped almost 300 points. That is nearly 2%. Is that a lot? Yup! You feeling confident yet? So why is the Dow tanking today, on Super Tuesday? Let's see, McCain couldn't run a bubblegum shop if his life depended on it (but he is a war veteran), Hilary and Barack don't understand the least bit about how to pull out of a recession, and Huckabee has won West Virginia. I also think Chicken Little announced the sky was falling. No, it's the Dow. So you want a poll - open your eyes and see that the economy needs someone who understands economies. Go CA!!

A Serious Political Note - Super Tuesday

I have been closely involved with politics for many years. I graduated with my B.A. in political science and have followed candidates throughout the years with excitement and anticipation. I have voted for Republicans, Conservatives, Liberals, Democrats, and Indie's (go Ross Perot). I am an issue studier, a candidate listener, and a critical thinker. I do not claim to be a political genius, only a political thinker.

Over the years I have felt disgust for many candidates and political figures. I am embarrassed by the Craigs and Clintons of the political world. Nevertheless I have looked at policy positions as my starting point for all candidates. I do look at morals, values, and beliefs, but I begin with policy. I will admit that I believe that Bill Clinton was very good for this country on many issues - he was a moderate and a great communicator. I also believe that on other issues he stunk! That combined with moral problems in the oval office make hime reprehensible to me politically. Even with my disgust over the years I have continued to vote, continued to participate in the political process. I ask questions, I push people's opinions, and test others' knowledge. This, I believe, allows me to hone my opinion and to help others look to the issues.

This year my colleague and I started the Tacit Voice. We wanted to be more involved and to reach a greater audience. We hoped that through humor, wit, creativity, research, opinions, and free speech we could help others form ideas and opinions about the society in which we live. It was intentional to begin the Tacit Voice before the primaries; however, we aim to tackle other topics in our society as well.

So here we are on Super Tuesday. I am a conservative. I believe in the right-to-life issues, in small goverment and free enterprise. I believe in lowering taxes and encouraging people to take care of themselves. I am for education, whether it be private or public. I am for the sanctity of the family and marriage. I believe that America should be a beacon of democracy. I support a free and democratic Isreal. I am for English-only, English as the official language policies. Close the boarders and send the Mexicans back to get into line. I am a conservative and proud of it. I owne my own business and am learing the economics of success. My colleague, I am sure, agrees with all my above comments.

The irony of my life is that my wife and father-in-law are moderate liberals. My wife believes in right-to-choice issues. She wants to end the war and focus on domestic issues. And the list goes on. I still love my wife and we continue to have political debates in our home. She, at times, has convinced me of certain policies, and I have convinced her. That is called political open-mindedness.

So here we are on Super Tuesday. I voted this morning for Mitt Romney. I cast my vote with sadness. Not because he will lose my home state (he won't, I am sure), but because the media, the Republican party, other candidates, and political strategists have created a potential Republican nominee that is NOT right for this country. After my vote I drove to work with an upset stomache - I used to think this country was headed for hell in a handbasket. I believed that the Democrats were taking us there quickly and the Republican slowly. The hope I had in my heart was for a conservative shift in this country - a shift that would bring the morals and values of Reagan back. Now I believe that the media and the establishment has created a Democratic party on both the left and the right. We have a true Democrat party and and Republicrat party. The conservative Republican is on a path of demise. And I credit this fall in 2008 to the following four things:

The Media: It used to be that the media reported the news, not made the news. We used to call making the news "yellow news". Today we call it the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Post, Review, and Gazette. We call it CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. The media has done more for the destruction of this country than any other institution. Take the war for example. It used to be the NY Times would report on the war in Europe. They would explain the battles and the missions. Now the NY Times comments on the war. They tell use what we should believe. They editorialize their positions. The media does not listen to the people - the media tells the people to listen to them. Shame on the media, whether they be liberal or conservative. Report it, not make it up.

Endorsements: I can understand why a person wants to endorse a candidate. I am not opposed to such behavior. But when I see Bob Dole telling me that John McCain is a conservative I want to throw up. That is the biggest load of bull-crap I have ever heard. I can see Arnold endorsing McCain; they are both liberal. But give me a break - let's not endorse the candidate who is going to win just because you want to get in good with that person (just in case they do win). James Dobson does not support McCain. Why? Because McCain is against a marriage amedment, he does not support right-to-life isssues, and he has supported legislation that hurts freedom of speech. Endorse a candidate all you want, but do it based on issues not popularity. Look at John Edwards - waiting until he sees who is going to win before he throws in his support. That's bull-crap! And that leads to my next point of contention.

Conservative Talk Radio: Rush, Laura, Sean, Medved, Bill, Savage, and Glenn LISTEN UP! You talk to millions each day. People listen to your opinions and analyses of the issues and the candidates. We all know you are conservative. You are all Reagan conservatives. We trust you for your honest and open dialogue. So why wait until the morning of the election or a couple of days before to support a candidtate. It makes me think that Hilary in office is better for you, so you keep your mouth shut long enough to get McCain voted in. I have heard Laura, Sean, Rush, Savage, and Glenn all back Mitt for the right reasons, but I heard it all in the past three days. Do you realize that if you explicitly supported a candidate months ago we would have the true conservative in office. Please be who you are - the conservative voice that guides America. If not, then give me the microphone and allow me to support the Reagan conservative. I won't wait until the race is nearly over.

Mike Huckabee: This only applies to 2008 Republican primaries. Mike Huckabee, you are an ass. You KNOW that you will not win the Republican nomination and yet you stay in the fight. You take conservative votes away from Mitt Romney, the only viable conservative candidate. You are also pandering to Mr. McCain for a spot in the veep circle. Don't you relaize that you are supporting a right-to-choice candidate who does not support small government, free speech, and lowering taxes? You are also allowing the Democrats to literally run into the White House. You are stupider than a brick and I am disgusted by your antics. My only hope and dream is that Mitt wins CA and moves on while you return to Hope, AR and eat yourself back to 300 lbs. Get out of the race.

So here we are on Super Tuesday. I am sick to my stomach and the potential death on the conservative right for a period of time. Maybe I should join the conservative talkshow hosts and hope for Hilary. Maybe then will this website grow over the next 4 years. We'll see what happens by midnight!! Good luck Mitt. Hey at least you won MA and UT and CA is not a winner-take-all state. Get some rest!

Okay Already!

After many comments regarding my recent picture change (thanks to Wanda and Casey for getting the ball rolling) I have decided to listen to the people and change my picture. Consequently I did not have my old picture with me, so I changed to the one currently on the blog. Your comments are welcome as always. Thank you for your support.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Crystal Ball #2 - Republicans

As you are all aware, I failed on my predictions of the FL primaries. Oh well, seems the conservatives didn't come through for me. Overall I am concerned that the Democrats are laughing all the way to the White House seeing McCain leading in the polls (although polls can be WRONG - see my last post). I have a Democrat friend that seems to believe the Democrats bought off the Republican base to get McCain the nomination. With the Clintons anything could happen.

So here is my prediction for Super Tuesday for the Republicans:

Mitt Romney = current delegate count 92 (85 actual delegates, 7 superdelegates)
John McCain = current delegate count 97 (94 acutal delegates, 3 superdelegates)

CO (Mitt wins) Mitt=27 John=13 Huck=3
MN (John wins) Mitt=6 John=27 Huck=10
OK (John wins) Mitt=6 John=23 Huck=12
UT (Mitt wins) Mitt=36 John=0 Huck=0
AR (Huck wins) Mitt=2 John=12 Huck=20
WV (Mitt wins) Mitt=16 John=12 Huck=2
AK (Mitt wins) Mitt=18 John=6 Huck=2
ND (Mitt wins) Mitt=14 John=12 Huck=0
MT (Mitt wins) Mitt=25 John=0 Huck=0
DE (John wins) Mitt=0 John=18 Huck=0
CA (Mitt wins) Mitt=95 John=68 Huck=10
NY (John wins) Mitt=0 John=101 Huck=0
GA (John wins) Mitt=22 John=29 Huck=21
IL (John wins) Mitt=21 John=35 Huck=12
MO (John wins) Mitt=0 John=58 Huck=0
TN (John wins) Mitt=12 John=26 Huck=17
AZ (John wins) Mitt=0 John=53 Huck=0
NJ (John wins) Mitt=0 John=52 Huck=0
AL (John wins) Mitt=7 John=23 Huck=18
MA (Mitt wins) Mitt=35 John=8 Huck=0
CT (John wins) Mitt=0 John=30 Huck=0

Total wins: Mitt=8 John=12 Huck=1

Total delegates after Super Tuesday:
Mitt=342+92=434 (757 delegates short)
John=606+97=703 (488 delegates short)
Huck=WHO CARES - GET OUT OF THE RACE (he will drop out after Super Tuesday!)

So in the end, there will not be a clear nominee come Wednesday morning. Nevertheless, McCain will have the obvious lead because of NY, NJ, and CT. Mitt will continue on with the strength of CA. He will end up winning OR, WA, ID, SD, NE, NM, and possibly TX. That will give him a total of about 335 more delegates, or 823 TOTAL. McCain cleans up the rest and gets the nomination. Then the butt-kicking begins for the Democrats - think DOLE!

Let's see how it goes - will my predictions go right? Only Tuesday will tell.

Wait For The Polls, Vote The Numbers

Polls, polls, polls, who in their right mind is going to pay any
attention to what the polls have to say anymore. They are wrong
almost every time. Rasmussen has this person up, CNN has that person
down. Then there was the answer, lets have a website that displays
polling averages utilizing all of the polls, they'll surely be
correct, right?....wrong! Pollster was showing the poll averages for
the Florida primaries with McCain and Romney head to head. I
actually had some hope that Romney was going to be the man! Nope, he
actually got taken to the cleaners by McCain by more than just a
couple points. Rasmussen now has Romney tied with McCain in
California, Hallelujah...or not, wait, I don't know what to think.
Maybe it means that Romney will only get 5-10% of the vote, or maybe
McCain will get crushed, no, perhaps McCain and Romney will actually
end up splitting the that what Rasmussen is trying telling
us? You see, the polls tell us nothing. Unfortunately for the
pollsters, they have to be right once in a while for there to be any
credence to what they have to report. Don't listen to the polls!!!
They have been wrong all throughout the primaries. Don' let the
polls dictate what you are going to chose. Let your heart guide your
path. If there is a candidate that gives you the creepy vibe, don't
vote for him......or her. If there is a candidate that seems
plastic, don't vote for him.....or her. You know what? How about
you vote for the candidate that makes the most sense to YOU! Isn't
that how we are supposed to do it any way? No, wait, that sounds
good, but I just read a poll that said this candidate
cannot win in the general election and that candidate could, so
shouldn't we vote for the candidate that the polls say could win in
the general? It never ends! Sure! Vote for who you think everybody
else is going to vote the polls, but for me, I'll vote my

Friday, February 1, 2008

National Association for the Advancement of . . . Oh, Just Read Below

I noticed in the news today (and a couple of times last week as well) that the NAACP was getting involved or making statements. It got me thinking . . . National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. That is a funny name. See, we are not allowed to call Black people "colored" but the organization is. Why don't they call themselves NAAAAP (N-quadruple A-P) for the National Assoc. for the Advancement of African-American People? Furthermore, are all people of color advanced through this historied organization? I mean, are Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexicans, Cubans, and Southern Europeans all represented equally in the NAACP? I looked on their website and it seemed to me that a more representative name SHOULD be NAAAAP (for obvious reasons).

That really got me thinking. There is a Black Coaches Kickoff Classic college football game each year. There is a Black Coaches Association. There is African-American month (or is it Black Month or Colored Month - and when is it anyway). Man, after looking around on Google for a few minutes I was shocked - the black community has a corner on everything. Ebony Magazine, BET, Black Family Channel, the BET Awards, and the list goes on.

DISCLAIMER (or SPOILER): For those of you who read my blog a lot are probably not surprised when I tell you that I am a white, protestant, male - just thought you should know. Now, I am not advocating magazines ONLY meant for white people, or a TV network and associated awards ONLY for white people, or a White Coaches Kickoff Classic football game. I think that would be a bit over the line a called racist. However, I am seriously going to look into creating a national organization called NAAWG (N-double A-W-G) or the National Association for the Advancement of White Guys. See this is simple - the most discriminated population in America today is . . . drum roll please . . . the WHITE PROTESTANT MALE! You laugh. Open any scholarship book at Barns and Nobles. There are scholorships for Hispanics, Blacks, Women, Cubans, Greeks, Chinese, Jews, Muslims, and the list goes on. Now look under the category in the book entitled "Scholarships for Whites" or "Scholarships for Males". Are they there? NO. So here it is . . . National Association for the Advancement of White Guys. I will use the Fighting Whities logo - but change it to blue (red looks to Native American - I'm kidding).

Now that I have your attention, think for a moment how my audacity makes you feel. Are you ticked that I would try to advance myself because of my race or sex? Sure you are. But the world - well mostly our country - gives a free pass to others based on their race or sex. Hell, this country not only gives a free pass to these people, but at times the media and government listens to these groups when they may only make up less than 1% of the total population.

Put this in perspective. Becasue Mitt Romney is running for president I will use him as an example. Lets say that Mormons (who make up less than 2% of the American population, decided to storm Washington with legislation asking for polygamy to be legal. Imagine they were allowed by the goverment to have a Polygamy Rights Day parade each year. Imagine if they created coalitions for Polygamy Rights. The country would laugh. The country would immediately tell them to sit down, shut up, and quite fighting for rights based on Mormon habit and traditions. So then, why does the country not say the same to the GLB population (they make up less than 1% of the population)? They have their months, their parades, their coalitions. It is a double standard. Now I am not advocating a pro-polygamy group - one wife is enough, but the point still stands.

So mark it on your calanders - February 1, 2008 is the first day of NAAWG. We also now brand February "White Guy" month, mostly because of all the snow that is white also.

Juan McLame, Dem from LaLaLand

The following is a brief reminder about John McCain (Republican from AZ):

- New Your Time endorsed him (most liberal-touting conservative-hating newspaper east of the Mississippi.
- Ann Coulter said she would vote Hilary over McLame (Ann Coulter!!! This is the conservative she-devil that would like to bite Hilary's head off - literally.)
- Arnold (Democrat governor of CA) endorsed him - I know, I said Democrat when he is a registered Republican, but we all know the truth (KENNEDY REPUBLICAN!)
- Congressman Martinez from FL endorsed him - this is the guy who wants open boarders from FL to CA.
- McCain-Kennedy bill: The "Essential Worker Visa Program" with a new category called "H-5A." Translation - quasi-amnesty
- McCain-Feingold bill: Campaign finance bill that explicitly restricts free speech (that would be our first ammendment)
- McCain-Edwards/Kennedy bill: Gives more opportunities (I mean RIGHTS) to patients to sue their medical care-givers.
- NOT endorsed by Rush (who said that McCain is the vehicle to fracture the Republican party), Laura Ingrahm, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Rielly, and most other true conservative Reaganites.
- Is unable to get a plurality of votes from the conservative base in any primary or caucus thus far (see exit polls).
- Has the worst luck in American military history: shot and nearly sank his own aircraft carrier, was a poor pilot who only got a plane to fly because his daddy was a big shot military guy, got shot down by the North Vietnamese (although he survived and that qualifies him for the highest office in the world??!!??).

I don't know, for the first time in my life I am beginning to agree with Ann Coulter. Hilary almost looks like a better choice than Juan McLame. Either way, I am going to have a lot to write about over the next few years. Go Donkeys!!!