Open Your Mind and Mouth

Open Your Mind and Mouth

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

This is how I see the remainder of the primary season (yes, we are finally coming to an end and we are not yet to Feb. 5th): finally we have arrived to the final four - the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. But Florida and South Carolina are not done yet, how can there only be four when there are five in the Republican race and three in the Democrat race; that equals eight?? Simple! Sweet and handsome Johnny-boy is done; he cannot and will not win S.C. and should not continue on. Ron Paul was fun while it lasted - GONE! Huckabee is out of cash and running out of Evangelicals - DONE! Guiliani made the worst political mistake EVER by not competing in IA, NH, MI, and SC; running third and almost fourth in FL and third in NY (his home state) is pathetic - SEE YOU LATER RUDY!

So that leaves the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE. This wonderful description from the Book of Revelations is appropriate for the final four characters. Typically the four horsemen are representative of the following ideas: War, Famine, Conquest and Death. War = John McCain for the man who want to fight on at all costs. Conquest = Mitt Romney for continuing to have to overcome the attacks on Mormonism and his flip-flopping. Famine = Barack Obama for what this county will be if he a takes over (you think looming recession is badl; vote for Barack and famine is not too far behind). And Death = Hillary for . . . well do I need to say much more; death to democracy and birth to Socialism. Just imagine and Hillary/Obama ticket (which WILL happen); death coupled with famine. That sounds attractive.

So here is how it is all going to go down on the Elephant side: Mitt will win FL (+57 delegates) Mitt will get the momentum to win CA, UT and most of the midwest and conservative South. McCain will win NY, NJ, and AZ with small pick-ups in other states. That will leave Mitt in a commanding lead for the nomination. He will clean up the rest of the midwest and south over the next few weeks and have the nomination locked up by mid-March.

For the Donkeys: Barack wins SC and Hillary wins most of the rest. She will easily take NY, NJ and win CA. She will lose some small states - UT, ID, but will win enough of the others (AZ, CT, MN) to counter balance the southern Obama vote. She will have the nomination wrapped up on Feb. 5th.

Then she picks Obama as a running mate and Mitt picks a strong conservative from the south with solid foreign policy background and LET THE RACE BEGIN.

My prediction for President in November: Nice try! Give me a chance to bask in my success for picking at least these four or two or however many win.


emily, etc, etc said...

Great entry - I hope you are right about Mitt. I love the four horseman analogy. Pure genius.

Anonymous said...

When was the last time you checked FL numbers!! I just checked and with 47% of the precincts in!! Mitt is NOT going to take FL however sad that may make you. This may be the one point that we agree on - that Mitt would be the best choice for the republican ticket. However, I do think that with Hillary taking the Democrat ticket things will get fun. I have to say that FINALLY having a woman in the white house actually running it rather than sitting behind her cheating husband, will be great. It takes a woman to really set things strait, just look at every house in america. Who is responsible for raising our future? Who is the one that goes through the pain and agony of childbirth? Who is the one that really makes the critical decisions in the family? Who is the one that REALLY wears the pants in the family? Yeah, that's right - A WOMAN!!!! So I say "GO HILLARY, YOU GO GIRL" and "SHOW THEM HOW TO REALLY RUN THIS COUNTRY"!! Socialism? Are you smoking crack, or is there just a village looking for you somewhere? Let's see, how many countries in this world have socialized medicine? That would be all of them but 2 - IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!! Does that seem a little off to you? It does to me. If it's working for the rest of the world, than don't you think that you should pull your head out and realize that it would work great here too. I won't even go into her other ideas - we would be up all night. Not only that, but it seems to me that you really do have your republican head burried in the sand to think that a Mormon would be able to run this country. Can you say "strange religion". I'm not entirely sure that I want someone that believes in visitations from spirits leading my country. Think about how that might go. "USA, I come to you tonight to tell you that we are moving to a system of equality for all, where we donate all that we have and divide it equally amongst ourselves, with me in charge. And while we are at it, I was visited by an angel who told me that plural marriage is alright if you look like you came off of a Mach 3 razor commercial". Yeah, I'm not too sure about that.

Also, I'm looking for a response here. You seem like the kind of guy that would give me a run for my money and I"m getting nothing from you. I stumble onto your page and actually read it (most people wouldn't be so curious), and take the time to responsd and get nothing return! Give me something to really think about would you?

Tacit Voice said...

Dear Anonymous,
Congrats to a hard-fought fight by Mr. McCain. He won with 36% of the vote (not the outrageous 47% that you state). Among the elderly population of FL he did well. Now on to CA and the other 20 states up for grabs in a week. I am sure that my prediction of Mitty winning the nomination is tough, at best. We begin the delegate collection process that it sure to end up on McCain's table (NY, NJ, most of CA, and AZ, among others).
Now to your pathetic comments about a woman running the country. I will give you this, women run families all over the world with success and hard work, but is the disappearance of the father that has led to woes of many societies and sub-cultures in our wonderful country today. Without the stern and disciplines helm of a man many children struggle to understand where they are to head. This is why I believe that Hillary would be wonderful for America - she is more a man than Barack! No seriously, I have no problem with Hillary or any other female running the country; I am quite sure that they could do well regardless of their sex. I am however concerned with her policies - universal healthcare, a continued flow of illegal immigration and crime across our boarders, the inability to manage the government budget, and the destruction of democracy or the hope for democracy in the middle east. Without revealing too much about myself, I work in healthcare, own my own clinic, and have seen patients from their worst state (in the ICU) to chronic illness. Simply put, government healthcare, at any level, is not good for the patient. Medicare and Medicaid programs do not take care of the poor and elderly - they are simply bandaids that give the impression of care. Government healthcare - or healthcare managed by the inefficiencies of government - does not work. It does not work in Canada, England, or anywhere else. Why do you think the Canadians come to the US for healthcare? Why do Asians get trained in our healthcare systems? Because we are superior! Why are we superior? Because we are based on a free-market system - even with healthcare. Take that free market away and you get lines, underfunded research, etc. Let a woman win, but allow her to listen to the country and not implement a poor healthcare system that will punish you. Also, do you really want someone ignoring the Jihad-fascists? I can assure you that Hillary will.

By the way, thank you for the comments. Please continue to return to my blog. Tomorrow I shall have two more entries that should make you chuckle. Pass on my blog to others; I will respond as I have time.

Tacit Voice said...

Sorry, I was wrong - it was 47% reported, not 47% leading. My bad.

By the way, Mormons get visitations from Spirits and Angels? I got to get me some of that!!! IF that is really true, all the more reason to get more Mormons in government positions. And if women run the world - a man with more than one wife seems like he would be getting his advice from multiple GREAT sources. What, does Mitt have 3 or 4 wives at home or behind the curtain? Is Ann just the prettiest? Once again, if Mormonism allows for multiple wives, then hook me up.

Until next time . . .

Anonymous said...

Well, it's about time that you responded to one of my comments. I was starting to wonder if you ever looked at your own blog. Glad to see that you check it every once ina while.

So, for the rebutle - if you would have read my comment more precisly, you would have seen that the 47% comment was not the percentage of votes that McCain took, but the number of precints that were in when I checked the polls (I'm very into keeping up on the latest numbers, as I'm sure you are too). Anyway, now that I've corrected you on that (Mitt may still have a chance, after all, it's not midnight yet), I can respond to your comments. First of all, I am a female, which you may have picked up from my last comment. I run my home with complete efficiency and structure. My family in general is known around the neighborhood as the "perfect family", which I have to admit is pretty close to the truth. My husband makes a lot of money and I have no trouble spending it. I run a very tight ship, along with running the PTA for our neighborhood schools, being on various other boards, and keeping my husbands business on track and prospering. I tell you this, just so you will understand better where I am coming from and my comments. I truly do think that a woman, like me, would do wonders for this country. As far as Hillary goes, she would be spectacular in the white house. I'm sure that she would give her best ear to the american people and listen very intently to the heartbeat of America!! I do absolutely believe that universal healthcare is the best for this nation. We are already paying for all of the poor and neady anyway. Would you have them just die or be turned away? Not if it was one of your children, if you have any. We all need the valuable healthcare that is available in this nation. We can afford our own, but there are countless people that cannot. As far as the rest of the world coming to us to get their education and to be treated, good for them! Let them come. Having a national healthcare plan is not going to bring down the quality of medical care in our nation. Give me a break.

As far as the dissaperance of the father comment, well that's just plain silly! Every woman knows what the roll of a man is in the family - to earn money, show up where he is told to be, and most importantly, worship his wife. If he is not doing those things to the upmost of his ability, what's the point of keeping him around. After all, if he can't make enough money to provide more than comfortably for his wife and children (like I've told you previously, I have a huge home and drive an enormous SUV, oh, and I shop exclusivly at Nordstroms, and banana republic), what good is he. Let's be honest - you can probably tell by this point that I am a very intelligent modern, liberated woman who you could darn well guess could make as much money as is needed. If my husband wans't providing so well for us, I could easily go out and support my family in the life style I am used to. Most men today, if they are nonexistant in their family unit, are loosers who can't amply support their family. I just plain and simply don't agree with you that men are being fazed out! Are you being fazed out in your family? I would guess not. But then again, it all depends on how competant your wife is - if you have one.

I should probably end there. I will say that I love this little bantering that we have going on. My husband is brilliant when it comes to making money and showing up to events for the kids (and looks incredibly good when he does make an appearance, but never overshadows my beauty, which would be plain wrong of him and he knows it), but he doesn't feel as passionatly about politics as I do. I will let some of my other politically minded friends (I meet with a politics club each month) know about your blog. We may even make your blog the entire topic of our next meeting.

Anonymous said...

I just saw that you commented on the Mormon comment, so I have to respond to that. It doesn't sound like you are Mormon or know much about them. I live across the street from a Mormon and they are lovely people, however not as lovely as my family. Anyway, I don't want someone who is claiming to see spirits running my country, and as far as you wanting to join a religion that believes in multiple wives, well that says a lot about your wife and the way you feel about her. My husband would never want more than one wife. I am ALL that he need and more. Why in the world would he want another wife? Why would you want more than one wife - can't your wife take care of all of your needs?

Anonymous said...

Hey tacit voice - I have to tell you that I feel a little badly about some of the comments that I made to you last night - they may have been a little below the belt. I'm not normally so opinionated, but when I find a like-minded political person, I tend to get a little out of control. For that I apologize. I'm sure that you are a great person with a great family (if you have one) and you must be a pretty smart guy too to be so up on politics and be able to banter so intelligently with someone like me. Anyway, I do want you to know that I enjoy reading what you have to say and the questions that you raise - they make me think. I hope that you don't mind my comments and hope that you haven't taken them personally. I haven't meant to be insulting. Keep up the good work!