Thursday, January 31, 2008
Christmas Came Early For Republicans - Like It Did In 2004
Merry Christmas Republicans. You might as well hand over the presidency to the the Elephants again. Didn't you hear? The momentum leading, potential front-running Democratic party candidate, Barack Obama, was annointed the "most liberal Senator" in the country today. This is wonderful. Republicans and conservatives alike already knew that Hillary was liberal (and polarizing), and now Republican can bask in the beauty that the country now knows that Obama is as well. Didn't this happen in 2003 with John Kerry? Yup! And guess what, Bush Jr. rode it all the way to the White House. The only one who would screw up such news, however, could be Mr. McCain (didn't he come in at a close 2nd on the list). He will probably forget this bit of info on Barack by the time August and September rolls around - so maybe it won't matter at all.
The Lying Fraud
I now choose to tackle biggest fraud in modern American history - Juan McCain. This is a simple task considerting the grave that he begun to dig just prior to the FL primaries regarding Mitty's "timetables" comment. Hey no-brainer, check your sources before you begin to lie! Don't get me wrong, all politicians lie about their positions to please the party they aim to represent (its called pandering - and its rampant); but there comes a time when reading the whole story before you say something stupid and totally false is important. Mr. McCain, you have pissed me off! Also, when are you going to admit that you created liberal bills such as McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Edwards/Kennedy, and the list goes on? If you are Mr. Straight-Talk-Express, then stand up and admit to creating these liberal bills.
You can be wrong on your past, but admit it you lying fraud. Obviously Mitty was wrong on right-to-life issues, and he admitted his mistake. Look where he is today - Guiliani would be so lucky. So here is my advice - stop the lying, stop with the timetables comments, stop avoiding questions regarding your past record and join the conservative party. You are a liberal in sheeps clothing and, once again, look where that got Guiliani. It is a crying shame that the only conservative talkshow host in the nation that supports you is Michael Medved - the liberal goof from an equally liberal Seattle. Rush, Laura, Savage, Hannity (admitted he will vote for Mitt in the NY primary), and many more all suppory Mitt Romeny! Why? Because he is conservative you dishonest fruit. Once again, join the conservative train or join Guiliani, Bloomberg, and all the other fence-sitting liberal-moderates.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Slow Death of Hollywood - Get Out The Ribbons
Many times I attempt to tackle social issues on this blog as well (see Bathroom Etiquette and articles on Christmas below). I am driven lately to again discuss the degradation of our society, but this time from a celebrity standpoint. I am saddened (although not surprised) to hear about Heath Ledger's death last week. It is a shame to see a life so blessed and talented be washed away at such an early age. I am reminded of others, River Phoenix, John Belushi, Chris Farley, whose lives are finished because of the poor choices they make and their sub-culture makes. Health Ledger was a young father and actor (and I name those traits in that order even though he forgot to be the first first) who leaves a daughter, many loving family friends, and millions of fans in want for more. This because he was unwilling to deal with an addiction in a way that can assist in the resolution of poor habits. It is revealed today that Michelle Williams, mother of his child, attempted to get him into rehab for his continued drug addictions - although at the time his drug of choice was cocaine and heroin. Heath refused with a promise to stop the abuse. Well he may have stopped the cocaine and heroin, but the prescription drugs continued. We even learned that he may have died from an overdose of over-the-counter sleep medication. His death is tragis but the responsibility is his as well. 
So I say to Hollywood - wear the black ribbons all you want. Make statements of regret and loss until you are blue in the face. Give accolades to a fallen companion forever. It will never be enough until as a society you embrace a culture of cleanliness, or morality, or marriage, of commitment, of loyalty. There are those out there who possess this, but I am afraid that too many of you in Hollywood embrace the opposite. Look at Brittany, Lindsay, Paris just to name a few. They sell sex, drugs, immorality.
Maybe the rest of the world, the conservative world that is, the ones who have morals, believe in something other than sex and self, should wear a ribbon on our lapels to champion the cause of resurrecting Hollywood. You all have your causes - now we have our's; Hollywood is slowly dying with greed, sex, drugs, money, and immorality.
Our lapels say that we want more Musicals, more Romantic comedies without explicit sex and drug use (what happened to Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks), give us the black and whites back, the Pillow Talks, South Pacifics! Heck, give us more Moulon Rouge, Highschool Musical, and Hairspray (which was stupid). Maybe if enough of us wore ribbons for Hollywood then there would be a change in their behavior. Just maybe.

So I say to Hollywood - wear the black ribbons all you want. Make statements of regret and loss until you are blue in the face. Give accolades to a fallen companion forever. It will never be enough until as a society you embrace a culture of cleanliness, or morality, or marriage, of commitment, of loyalty. There are those out there who possess this, but I am afraid that too many of you in Hollywood embrace the opposite. Look at Brittany, Lindsay, Paris just to name a few. They sell sex, drugs, immorality.
Maybe the rest of the world, the conservative world that is, the ones who have morals, believe in something other than sex and self, should wear a ribbon on our lapels to champion the cause of resurrecting Hollywood. You all have your causes - now we have our's; Hollywood is slowly dying with greed, sex, drugs, money, and immorality.

Serve Your Country Huck!!
Just a quick note for Mr. Baptist. You want to serve your country? You want to give your ALL to the citizens of the United States? If so, get the HELL out of the race and quit taking true conservative votes away from Mitt Romney! You are not going to win the nomination, so quit trying to position yourself to make a run as veep. There is more of a chance for McCain choosing Edwards as his running mate than you. Allow the American people to choose between two ideologies - McCain and his neo-liberal conservatism (does that make sense) and Mitty and his neo-conservative, liberal, conservative conservatism. Allow Americans (or at least 21 states) to choose between the conservative and the liberal in the Republican party. You will not and cannot win. And the same goes to the goof-ball Ron Paul. JUMP SHIP! If Johnny-boy and Rudy can figure this out, then surely you two are not too dense to do the same. I want to see a mono-y-mono race on both sides; that is when the fun really begins.
By the way, congrats to Mr. Dementia on his FL win. Ride the wave for as long as you can because Mitty still has cash. Tonight's debate ought to be entertaining.
By the way, congrats to Mr. Dementia on his FL win. Ride the wave for as long as you can because Mitty still has cash. Tonight's debate ought to be entertaining.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
This is how I see the remainder of the primary season (yes, we are finally coming to an end and we are not yet to Feb. 5th): finally we have arrived to the final four - the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. But Florida and South Carolina are not done yet, how can there only be four when there are five in the Republican race and three in the Democrat race; that equals eight?? Simple! Sweet and handsome Johnny-boy is done; he cannot and will not win S.C. and should not continue on. Ron Paul was fun while it lasted - GONE! Huckabee is out of cash and running out of Evangelicals - DONE! Guiliani made the worst political mistake EVER by not competing in IA, NH, MI, and SC; running third and almost fourth in FL and third in NY (his home state) is pathetic - SEE YOU LATER RUDY!
So that leaves the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE. This wonderful description from the Book of Revelations is appropriate for the final four characters. Typically the four horsemen are representative of the following ideas: War, Famine, Conquest and Death. War = John McCain for the man who want to fight on at all costs. Conquest = Mitt Romney for continuing to have to overcome the attacks on Mormonism and his flip-flopping. Famine = Barack Obama for what this county will be if he a takes over (you think looming recession is badl; vote for Barack and famine is not too far behind). And Death = Hillary for . . . well do I need to say much more; death to democracy and birth to Socialism. Just imagine and Hillary/Obama ticket (which WILL happen); death coupled with famine. That sounds attractive.
So here is how it is all going to go down on the Elephant side: Mitt will win FL (+57 delegates) Mitt will get the momentum to win CA, UT and most of the midwest and conservative South. McCain will win NY, NJ, and AZ with small pick-ups in other states. That will leave Mitt in a commanding lead for the nomination. He will clean up the rest of the midwest and south over the next few weeks and have the nomination locked up by mid-March.
For the Donkeys: Barack wins SC and Hillary wins most of the rest. She will easily take NY, NJ and win CA. She will lose some small states - UT, ID, but will win enough of the others (AZ, CT, MN) to counter balance the southern Obama vote. She will have the nomination wrapped up on Feb. 5th.
Then she picks Obama as a running mate and Mitt picks a strong conservative from the south with solid foreign policy background and LET THE RACE BEGIN.
My prediction for President in November: Nice try! Give me a chance to bask in my success for picking at least these four or two or however many win.
So that leaves the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE. This wonderful description from the Book of Revelations is appropriate for the final four characters. Typically the four horsemen are representative of the following ideas: War, Famine, Conquest and Death. War = John McCain for the man who want to fight on at all costs. Conquest = Mitt Romney for continuing to have to overcome the attacks on Mormonism and his flip-flopping. Famine = Barack Obama for what this county will be if he a takes over (you think looming recession is badl; vote for Barack and famine is not too far behind). And Death = Hillary for . . . well do I need to say much more; death to democracy and birth to Socialism. Just imagine and Hillary/Obama ticket (which WILL happen); death coupled with famine. That sounds attractive.
So here is how it is all going to go down on the Elephant side: Mitt will win FL (+57 delegates) Mitt will get the momentum to win CA, UT and most of the midwest and conservative South. McCain will win NY, NJ, and AZ with small pick-ups in other states. That will leave Mitt in a commanding lead for the nomination. He will clean up the rest of the midwest and south over the next few weeks and have the nomination locked up by mid-March.
For the Donkeys: Barack wins SC and Hillary wins most of the rest. She will easily take NY, NJ and win CA. She will lose some small states - UT, ID, but will win enough of the others (AZ, CT, MN) to counter balance the southern Obama vote. She will have the nomination wrapped up on Feb. 5th.
Then she picks Obama as a running mate and Mitt picks a strong conservative from the south with solid foreign policy background and LET THE RACE BEGIN.
My prediction for President in November: Nice try! Give me a chance to bask in my success for picking at least these four or two or however many win.
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