Friday, November 16, 2007
Mitt's a Mormon? Who Knew?
Although humorous, the above sentiment could very well be true or hoped to be realistic, according to Utah-based company Western Wats. This hired gun began push-polling voters in Iowa and New Hampshire in hopes of swaying voters away from Romney on Sunday. Hired gun? Did I say hired gun? It wouldn't be Huck or Rudy who did this. maybe Big Fred? Who knows at this point, but needless to say the bigotry has begun. Just yesterday I received two phone calls - one stating that Obama was black and Billary a woman (although one of those I could honestly question - I'll let you chose.).
Also, just think, we are still two months from Iowa and many more months away from any decision on the actual 2008 presidential election. Imagine it Mitty actually wins the Republican primary - we could have an all out holy war targeting the cultish Mormons vs. the cursed blacks, or the down-trodden women, or the greasy-haired southerner. Well the last one might be a stretch, but you get the idea.
I just wish that politics was left to the facts. We should be discussing what one guy believe is best for the country and how will it be implemented. There should be honest dialogue on the issues, NOT the person. The constitution certainly agrees; but who really cares what the constitution really says - it is a bogus document that has been cut and pasted so many times that Jefferson wouldn't recognize it. Is the country ready for a black president, a woman president, or a Mormon president? Well it should - and it has always been that way since the names where eternally signed to that hallowed document. Personally I think we should elect the person who spends the most on clothes, exercises the most, and has the most perfect American accent. Who would that be anyway?
Yes, Mitty is Mormon. He even has a home in Utah. He is active in the religion, served a mission (which thousands of boys did during Vietnam), and is married in a temple. Who should care? I am sure that all the candidates are peculiar in their own ways - except Johnnie-boy. He's just pretty!!
Overview: 11/15 Las Vegas Debate
Moderator: Welcome to Las Vegas! It makes no difference how much you won or lost, you are all losers to Hillary in the media's mind. Good luck tonight giving any honest or upfront answer to any of my questions.
Chuckle, chuckle.
Moderator: First question to Mrs. Clinton - You are running on your experience as First Lady for 8 years. Why won't you encourage your husband to lift the ban of your records from the archives as stated in the Freedom of Information Act?
Billary: Now that's not fair; I am the only woman here tonight and I am being cornered like a fox. The troops must come home, I have said it all along. President Bush is not running this country in a way that would have please Bill.
Moderator: You didn't answer the question. You have 30 seconds.
Billary: Obama is a dirt bag.
Moderator: Okay?? Next question for John Edwards. What steps will you take to secure our borders from illegal immigration and potential terrorism entering from the South and North?
Johnnie-boy: Good question. When I was a young boy being raised by working-class textile workers and attending public schools in South Carolina (incidentally, the same state I call home and love with all my heart - Go SC) I learned how to fight the battles that present you in life. Because of those experiences and others as a defender of the lower class who are attacked by horrible insurance companies, I have the strength to fight for my wife in her personal battles.
Moderator: You didn't answer the question. You have 30 more seconds.
Johnnie-boy: Hillary is a dirt bag. (Followed by a good southern grin.)
Moderator: Once again, okay?? Next question for Senator Dodd. What have you learned in your 30 years of service that qualifies you to heal the nation's image overseas?
Mad-dog Dodd: Hillary is a dirt bag.
Billary: Is that any way to treat the only woman running for president? Please gentleman. I feel like I am being attacked on all sides like our troops in Iraq, who should continue the fight for at least 1 more year, or until further notice.
Moderator: Next question is for Senator Obama. In contast to Mr. Dodd, you have 10% of the expeience that he does in the Senate. What qualifies you to be the leader of the free world?
Obama: The State of Illinois has been good to me over the years. Even when I was at Harvard as president of the Harvard Law Review, my home state embraced me. I am who I am with no masks and no gimmicks. As Michelle said last week when stummping for me in Iowa, I am Barack Obama.
Moderator: Will someone please answer a question I ask? You have an additional 30 seconds.
Obama: Hillary is NOT a dirt bag. (Sighs from Hillary.) Hillary sucks!
Moderator: Let's move on, please. Next question is for Bill Richardson. What value do you have to add to this mess tonight?
Mr. New Mexico: Is the media actually allowing me to talk on national tele . . . (cut to commercial)
Moderator: Anything else Governor Richardson?
Mr. New Mexico: Hillary sucks!
Billary: These attacks on me are relentless. Again, much like the troops in Iraq and other locations in the Middle East. We should keep our troop there for as long as necessary to finish the job.
Moderator: Now for closing statements. Each of you has 30 seconds.
Mad-dog Dodd: Hillary is a dirt bag and stupid for not knowing that her husband was shacking up with the intern. I was Senator for the entire 8 years he was there and EVEN I knew.
Mr. New Mexico: Hillary sucks. She . . .
Johnnie-boy: Hillary is a dirt bag and my wife has cancer. Does that mean anything to you people in my home state of South Carolina?
Obama: Hillary is a dirt bag and Michelle has said many times as she stumps for me in all 50 states everyday that I am a good looking and well spoken black man.
Hillary: As I have always stated, bring the troops home. We owe this to our nation.
Well, there you have it. I am sure if you pull the transcripts for last night they will be much the same. Until next debate. Oh yeah, and Hillary is a dirt bag!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Are Democrats Lemmings? The Media Says So; Therefore They MUST!
The humorous part of this whole ploy is that they are repeating history and handing someone unqualified and out of touch an office of great political clout. Take a look at Nancy Pelosi and her wonderful tactics with Syria and how she runs the House with diamond success. Congress has a lower approval rating than G.W. Can that be? But the liberal media crowned her the Speaker of the House. Well here they go again. Let's take a look at the front runners of the Democratic primary for 2008 presidential election:
Hillary Clinton: EXPERIENCE - elelcted to Senate in NY in 2000 (grand total of 7 years in office); 8 years of 1st lady experience; although we are not sure she was really there because the sensative nature of the records are locked. Thanks Bill. TOTAL - 7 maybe 15 years of experience if picking the White House china and looking pretty . . . well stately at dinner counts. I think NOT.
Barack Obama: EXPERIENCE - elected to Senate in IL in 2004 (grand total of 3 years in office). Nada, nothing else . . . well he went to Harvard and ran the Harvard Review - whoopty damn do!
Johnnie-boy (John Edwards): EXPERIENCE - elected to Senate in NC in 1998 - 2004 (grand total of 6 years in office). Also, nothing else - well except for aiding in increasing medical insurance rates for all of us in the nation for many years. Go Johnnie Go!
TOTAL of the frontrunners - 16 years of national, policy-making experience (or 24 years if you add the Bilary time)
Now compare that to the following:
Chris "Mad-Dog" Dodd: EXPERIENCE - 30 years of service as a Senator from CT. Yeah, I said 30 years! This guy knows the good restaraunts in D.C.
Mr. New Mexico: EXPERIENCE - 12 years as Congressman from NM, 4 years as Govenor of NM, 4 years in the UN, and a stint in the Department of Energy. (grand total of 20 years + of policy-making roles).
TOTAL for the media-branded losers - over 50 years of policy-making, REAL experience.
Hey good job media. Lets hand the American people the inexperience of Hillary, Obama, and Johnnie instead of the seasoned and experienced Mad-Dog Dodd and Mr. New Mexico. Good strategy. Oh yeah Democrats, remeber that we haven't elected a past US Senator as president since JFK. Once again media - GOOD CHOICE.
Tomorrow we take a look at the Republicans in the same light - not that the media cares about anyone other than Rudy. Oh wait, he is a Democrat. Media gets what they want either way.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Team Up to Fight the Who-Knows-Guy
Speaking of endorsements, why is whining allowed back into Presidential politics. Romney whines when the antiabortionist support Thompson, and Thompson whines because of Romney whining. Now listen up kids and let me straighten things up for you, Romney needs to share and can't have all the endorsements to himself (even if he has bought them) and Thompson needs to not tattle-tell when rightfully accused. Between you and me, Thompson is bitter because he doesn't have his own money to spend and has to butt kiss ultra-conservative PAC's to buy one ad in Romney-owned . . . I mean rented SC. Play nice so one of you looks good as the VP.
What Happened to Bathroom Etiquette?
"Thanks for leaving me the short one, buddy!"
That was the last straw; eyes on your own equipment and shut the pie-hole. Rule #2 - Don't talk at the urinal. This is the cardinal rule of the bathroom; every man knows that the flow stops when converation begins. In an effort to divert the situation and get the guy to shutup, I calmly said,
"Take it as a compliment, pal."
Know that I have complimented his package, I was sure that he would keep to himself thinking about the success of his manhood. But NO, he had to continue the friendly Wal-mart conversation.
"I couldn't hit the floor if I was laying face dawn." Chuckle, chuckle.
This guy is a complete bathroom bonehead. Rule #3 broken - don't talk about you size to a complete stranger, especially when you are in the bathroom and hose in hand. Needless to say, I zipped and ran.
So let me restate the rules.
Rule #1 - Don't take care of business right next to someone else unless there is nothing else open (and even that is iffy). I didn't need to see the cowboy boots of the guy next to me when I was fighting "the motts" and barfing in the movie theatre after a bad Mexican meal. His "son, are you okay" comment didn't help. Just imagine where Sen. Craig wouid be if he followed the buffer rule.
Rule #2 - NEVER, ever talk to anyone in the bathroom when the equipment is in use. Chit-chat at the sink is okay, but make sure the zipper is up. My dad was driving in a blizzard when he pulled over to take a leak in a truck stop. He chose a suitable urinal and began the waiting game (he is 63 and at times it takes awile). A large trucker enters the large bathroom (many urinals) and breaks Rule #1 by beginning his version of the waiting game shoulder to shoulder with my pops. Sure enough he breaks Rule #2 by saying calmly to my dad,
"Nice weener, huh!"
What the hell did you say, my dad thought. "Excuse me?"
"Nice weener. Don't you think?"
Well hell yes I think it is a nice weener. It has served me well, but keep to yourself. "I beg your pardon. I a bit hard of hearing."
"With all the snow this season, nice winter. I hope it lasts."
Oh, nice WINTER! You need to do something about the accent before it gets you killed. "Yeah buddy, great snow." ZIP and exit.
Rule #3 - Don't talk about your size in front of a complete stranger. I already know you are ugly; I don't need to know that you have a small tally-wacker as well. The less we all know about your size, the better; keep the zipper down in public.
Lastly, these rules are not just American; they are international. My father-in-law was enjoying a nice trip to Mexico when he took on some bad water. He found himself in the bathroom taking care of some spicy motts mixed with melodious gas. After a large and ground-shaking fart he heard from the next stall, "BUENO!" At least the Mexicans appreciate good gas.
Please remember the rules the next time you go to Wal-mart or I'm liable to kick your butt, zipper down and all.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Full Frontal Nudity Allowed in PG-13 by MPAA
According to the MPAA:
An R-rated motion picture, in the view of the Rating Board, contains some adult material. An R-rated motion picture may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements, so that parents are counseled to take this rating very seriously. Likewise for PG-13 movies it states: such nudity in a PG-13 rated motion picture generally will not be sexually oriented. There may be depictions of violence in a PG-13 movie, but generally not both realistic and extreme or persistent violence.
So let me frame this situation. Grendel's mother (Jolie) comes from a molten lake fully nude and sexually flonts herself to Beowolf in an effort to temp him. Is that sexually-oriented?
Jolie even stated:
The motion capture technology was so shockingly real, she phoned her partner Brad Pitt to warn him about the nudity in the family movie. She says, "I was really surprised that I felt that exposed. There are certain moments where I felt actually shy - and called home, just to explain that the fun movie that I had done that was digital animation was, in fact, a little different than we expected.
Yeah right!? That is the kind of family move that I want hormone-raging teenage boys to go see.
Also the scenes in which Grendel comes upon the sleeping men and begins to tear them apart (literally) for a lengthy battle is not pervasive violence? I am confused. It seems once again that Hollywood is trying to dress a (Beo)wulf in sheeps clothing (or Jolie's skin) and calling it CGI.
I say once again because the MPAA did the same thing in 1997 with Titanic and the Winslet nude scene. That one wasn't CGI, it was "art." Are you kidding me? Raise your hand if you think Leo's character was turned on during the painting of Winslet. Oh yeah, shortly after that scene they sneeked off to make love - it wasn't sexually-oriented nudity!
Do what you want with this. But remember, the more people watch the films, the more Hollywood makes money. The more money made on loopholed films, the more nudity and violence will be allowed for 13 year-old (and 15 because the video-game that features Jolie naked is rated for 15 year-olds). Hollywood continues to lie and cheat the system with pervasive violence in the Lord of the Rings trilogy or nudity found in a myriad of PG-13 movies from The Notebook, to Return of the Jedi, to Titanic, to Beowulf. What wonderful family movies; let's get the kids ready and buy some popcorn.
Beginning the awakening process
- Questions everything: For many, you have already begun the process of questioning the world in which you live. This is the start we ask for. In politics campaigns rely upon a concept called tacit consent - the principle stating that most voters follow blindly, never questioning issues, never researching candidates or laws, and, worst of all, never voting. Like politics, big business and media rely on your blind accetance of their actions. Simply stated, "the man" never wants you to question. We don't expect you to act upon your questioning, but to quietly ask "why" to everything you see. For example:
- Why does my boss pay me market-standard wages but makes 90% of what I earn for the company?
- Why is name recognition so critical to elections? Is Rudy Giuliani really a Republican or an opportunist? Is Hillary really qualified to run the country or simply an opportunist and phenominal strategist?
- Why is the Writer's Guild Association on strike? What does that say about Hollywood?
- Why do groups representing less than 1% of the total population dictate the policies that effect a majority of the silent population?
- Formulate Ideas: After you begin to question, begin to put together ideas. Ideas can be anything from, "I can make a better commercial to sell that product" to "What would happen if I quit my job and started my own company." There is no need to act on these ideas yet, but begin to formulate and write down ideas. Be crazy, be absurd, be ground-breaking. Those ideas are the seeds to future visions.
- Open Your Mouth: This can be the most difficult step of all. You need to learn to open your mouth at times when it is uncomfortable and difficult. Look for opportunities to kick against the pricks and say what is on your mind. You will soon get into the habit of opening your mouth when you see something not in line with what your spirit is telling you. Here are a few ways of beginning this process:
- If your family members are Republican, study a liberal principle and at your next family dinner bring up your controversial idea. Stick to you guns.
- Next time your meal is not correct or the service is poor at a restaraunt, ask for the manager and voice your concerns. Do this when your service is great as well.
- Politely tell a telemarketer that they called at a bad time because your wife is dancing naked on the kitchen table - and then tell him/her to take you off the call list.
- Tell a girl she is beautiful beyond belief and then walk away not expecting a date or phone number.
- Tell the mechanic at your local oil changing shop that you don't want to be sold on air filters, transmission flushes, or anything extra that you and he knows you don't need.
- Ask for a discount on everything you buy over the phone.
- Research Your Ideas to Visions: Once you have ideas, you need to begin the process of researching the idea toward becoming an implementable vision. With the resources we have in the Internet, there is no excuse why you can't find out how to write a business plan, how to contact your Senator, or how to change a law. Do the research.
- ACT: The last and most difficult step is to act upon your questions, ideas, visions. This is where you put all the pieces together to act upon your visions. Pick something small and do it. Once you get into the habit, each time will become easier and bigger. Don't sit and do nothing - begin the process of awakening.