We NEED Martin Luther! Not the black guy who marched through the deep south, but the guy who knew how to use a hammer. Why do we need Mr. Luther and Thomas Moore? It is simple, we have returned to a time when the tacit followers are "illiterate" because the "church" tells people how to live and what to believe. Luther and Moore encouraged and promted change from the Catholic church because of the church encouraged illiteracy so that the masses could not understand the word of God. The congregation was told what to believe, how to believe it, and where not given a path to believe otherwise. So Luther and others facilitated change.
Well, here we go again, but this time it is the Christion community (CC) who decides what their congregations believe. Amazingly enough, the CC is going so far as to dictate politics, entertainment, and the judgement of man. It wasn't too long ago that the CC formally endorsed The Chronicles of Narnia. They announced that Aslom (the lion) was the fictional manifestation of Christ and that we should all embrace the movie's teaching. Congregations watched in church the true box office hit, the Christian box office hit. Mel Gibson also created a vivid representation of Christ's last days in The Passion of the Christ. Once again, congregations, both young and old, were told to support a film that had graphic violence.
Now the CC are at it again on many fronts. Now the CC has deemed a movie of the devil or supporting atheism - The Golden Compass. Officially many in the CC have asked congregations to avoid watching the movie because of its theme approximating atheism. When did I give the CC the right and responsilbity to tell me what to watch and what to avoid? Why is the CC not telling its congregations to watch all violent movies? Why do they pick and choose? There are many movies that support devils, atheism, Godlessness, and evil. Why do they pick on a family movie? Why do they try to dictate to us anyway?
Even in politics they rule with the iron fist. This Thursday Mitt Romney feels like he need to address the CC about his faith, his beliefs, and his religion becuase the CC is telling their congregations that a Southern Baptist is better qualified to run this country becuase of his belief in God. The CC is illiterizing their congregations by telling them how to vote. An because of this we have to listen to a man defend himself in front of the nation. Good luck Mitt and good job H.W. (who, by the way, is a Christian - a literate one, that is).
So I call for him again - we need a Luther. We need another "protestor" against the church. Funny that protestor against is the root for protestant. We need protestants against the CC to inform them to shut up and quick dictating. We ask them to quit making us illiterate in the world and allow us to practice our own free will and agency. Who will it be? Who will be the man to nail on his church door the demands of his congregation? Is it Bob Jones III or Pat Robertson or H.W. or Mitty? Maybe me???
Monday, December 3, 2007
I'm Angry, Once Again, As I Was Last Year
Here we go again . . . Tis the season to be jolly! Why are we jolly? Why is there so much joy flowing abundantly around us? I, for one, believe that it the Christmas music, the giving and receiving of love, the family togetherness, the winter wonderlandiness, the beauty. BULL CRAP!!! It is because I may get a new Playstation or something else out of my budget under the tree. This isn't the time for giving . . . this is the time for getting. And if I don't get like I am entitled, then it becomes the time of depression, loneliness, and letdown. And for some the time for suicide (you know this is the documented highest time of year for suicide - Tis the season!!!). And if you do get those toys that you asked for and NEED, then you are strapped with the debt for the next 10 months (at least). Society has done a fine job of totally taking the true meaning of Christmas and shoving it down the tube. You are told that Christmas is about Santa Clause, about decorations, parties, food, gifts, and money. Christmas, you are told, is about you and your family, about connecting with those you haven't seen all year, and especially about hopefully getting the 42 inch plasma that your boss it giving away. From shortly after Halloween you are carefully lulled into the Christmas frenzy by all surrounding you. Some say, "It is not the receiving that I look forward to, it is the giving!" Once again, BULL CRAP. That is a pretty line that makes you feel better than you spent over your limit - like you do every year. "But I gave so much to those in need." Other say, "It is a the time of year you get together with all your family." Yeah, I agree, so you can get even more presents. Let's face it, Christmas is not what it was originally meant to be!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!
So what is Christmas all about? Good question. Get ready because what I am about to write will be groundbreaking. Christmas is about YOU and CHRIST. That's it! Nothing more, nothing less. This holiday is about a baby that was born in a manger and what he did for YOU by coming to earth. Him coming to earth has nothing to do with your desire to get a new motorcycle, or even to give a new motorcycle. Christ came to earth so we can be saved. Why do you think that Christmas comes this time of year? We all know that Christ was not born on December 25th (did I just ruin Christmas for many of you? Look it up!). Why then is Christmas celebrated in the end of December? Becasue we remember the covenants and promises we make with God and Christ, we remember the sacrifice Christ made for us, and we take the next 7 days repenting and truely changing our ways (thus New Year's resolutions - I'll get to that another day). Christmas is about your relationship with Christ and your repentance process.
So what's the deal with Santa Clause? He was a saint - or has become one because he took presents to the poor and needy. I don't recall that he mortgaged his home to buy the latest and newest for the rich kids down the street. He was a nice guy who continually strived to be like Christ by serving the poor and meek. It wasn't between him and the kids - it was between him and God and the kids were the recipients. Get it? Do you really think that Christ wants you to go into debt so you can buy the biggest and best of everything for your already spoiled and over-indulged kids? Heavens NO (all pun intended).
I know that I am totally screwed up; my wife reminds me of this each year at this time. Nevertheless, I think Christmas should be more than what society feeds us. If not then let us all call this holiday Santamas or Giftmas or Jollymas or some other thing than the holy name of our Lord and Savior. And on Christmas morning remember that this holiday is not between you and your wife or kids; it is only about YOU and CHRIST. I bet if you do, you will gain less weight, feel less depressed, and certainly enjoy the holiday much more. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
So what is Christmas all about? Good question. Get ready because what I am about to write will be groundbreaking. Christmas is about YOU and CHRIST. That's it! Nothing more, nothing less. This holiday is about a baby that was born in a manger and what he did for YOU by coming to earth. Him coming to earth has nothing to do with your desire to get a new motorcycle, or even to give a new motorcycle. Christ came to earth so we can be saved. Why do you think that Christmas comes this time of year? We all know that Christ was not born on December 25th (did I just ruin Christmas for many of you? Look it up!). Why then is Christmas celebrated in the end of December? Becasue we remember the covenants and promises we make with God and Christ, we remember the sacrifice Christ made for us, and we take the next 7 days repenting and truely changing our ways (thus New Year's resolutions - I'll get to that another day). Christmas is about your relationship with Christ and your repentance process.
So what's the deal with Santa Clause? He was a saint - or has become one because he took presents to the poor and needy. I don't recall that he mortgaged his home to buy the latest and newest for the rich kids down the street. He was a nice guy who continually strived to be like Christ by serving the poor and meek. It wasn't between him and the kids - it was between him and God and the kids were the recipients. Get it? Do you really think that Christ wants you to go into debt so you can buy the biggest and best of everything for your already spoiled and over-indulged kids? Heavens NO (all pun intended).
I know that I am totally screwed up; my wife reminds me of this each year at this time. Nevertheless, I think Christmas should be more than what society feeds us. If not then let us all call this holiday Santamas or Giftmas or Jollymas or some other thing than the holy name of our Lord and Savior. And on Christmas morning remember that this holiday is not between you and your wife or kids; it is only about YOU and CHRIST. I bet if you do, you will gain less weight, feel less depressed, and certainly enjoy the holiday much more. Merry Christmas and God Bless!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
On A Serious Note. Really!
I have come to the conclusion that there are two things in the world that are totally and completely unacceptable, and I feel motivated to encourage all Americans (the slothful nation) to discover ways to cut the following two attributes from our lives:
#1 - People are not grateful for the little things they have in life. This is a big one for me. I am always refreshed by people who love what they have, take care of what they have, and expect nothing more. This time of year, Christmas, is the time when I see the most ungratefulness from people. Folks expect that Santa will come for them. They feel entitled to receive gifts from people who surround them. There are those that see a pile of gifts under the tree and ask, "Where are the rest of them?" Shouln't this be the time of year when we are grateful for the sacrifice of our Lord? Was it not good enough to wake up Christmas morning and look AT the tree to be reminded that he died on a tree for us? IS THAT NOT ENOUGH? Please be grateful for what you do have, because the reality is that if you are reading this you have a computer with Internet and probably a roof over your head and you probably ate dinner tonight. Do we have to remind you of Maslow's hierarchy? Just remember this Christmas morning that we shouldn't expect gifts, we are not entitled to have a visit from Santa, becasue Jesus already gave us the path to salvation and true peace.
#2 - People who cannot take responsibility for their actions. Is is just me or are we surrounded by victims? I am getting sick and tired of people blaming others for their choices, mistakes, and problems. I have no problem if you blame others (including God) for your successes, but let's all take credit for our own issues. It is not your mom's' fault that you didn't get the job, when you are 45 years old. It is not the police officer's fault that you were speeding and didn't sign the ticket (getting tasered isn't fun, is it?). It is not the teacher's fault that you acted up in class and got caught. Parents - don't make excuses for your kids either. If your kids didn't do their homework, it is not the teacher's fault because he/she gave too much. Did you ever think that you should take responsibility for your own flesh and blood? Imagine what this world would become if we were quick to give credit when we succeed and slow to blame when we fail. Maybe I should coin that phrase - BE QUICK TO GIVE CREDIT WHEN SUCCESS FINDS YOU AND SLOW TO BLAME WHEN YOU FIND FAILURE.
The moral of the story, suck it up and take responsility for yourself and be grateful for what comes based on the choices you make. That's it, I'm done!!
#1 - People are not grateful for the little things they have in life. This is a big one for me. I am always refreshed by people who love what they have, take care of what they have, and expect nothing more. This time of year, Christmas, is the time when I see the most ungratefulness from people. Folks expect that Santa will come for them. They feel entitled to receive gifts from people who surround them. There are those that see a pile of gifts under the tree and ask, "Where are the rest of them?" Shouln't this be the time of year when we are grateful for the sacrifice of our Lord? Was it not good enough to wake up Christmas morning and look AT the tree to be reminded that he died on a tree for us? IS THAT NOT ENOUGH? Please be grateful for what you do have, because the reality is that if you are reading this you have a computer with Internet and probably a roof over your head and you probably ate dinner tonight. Do we have to remind you of Maslow's hierarchy? Just remember this Christmas morning that we shouldn't expect gifts, we are not entitled to have a visit from Santa, becasue Jesus already gave us the path to salvation and true peace.
#2 - People who cannot take responsibility for their actions. Is is just me or are we surrounded by victims? I am getting sick and tired of people blaming others for their choices, mistakes, and problems. I have no problem if you blame others (including God) for your successes, but let's all take credit for our own issues. It is not your mom's' fault that you didn't get the job, when you are 45 years old. It is not the police officer's fault that you were speeding and didn't sign the ticket (getting tasered isn't fun, is it?). It is not the teacher's fault that you acted up in class and got caught. Parents - don't make excuses for your kids either. If your kids didn't do their homework, it is not the teacher's fault because he/she gave too much. Did you ever think that you should take responsibility for your own flesh and blood? Imagine what this world would become if we were quick to give credit when we succeed and slow to blame when we fail. Maybe I should coin that phrase - BE QUICK TO GIVE CREDIT WHEN SUCCESS FINDS YOU AND SLOW TO BLAME WHEN YOU FIND FAILURE.
The moral of the story, suck it up and take responsility for yourself and be grateful for what comes based on the choices you make. That's it, I'm done!!
Who Do You Really Support?
Take the following quiz to see who you should vote for. Remember that when you get your results you should remove everyone from the list accept Mitty, Rudy, Huck, Bilary, Michelle Obama, and Johnny-boy. The rest are there to confuse (Tancredo, Duncun, Biden) and entertain (Paul, Richardson) us. Good luck.
My Candidate Can Kick Your Candidate's Butt
Did anyone see the Youtube/CNN Republican debate? It didn't take but five minutes and we were all entertained by a tussle between the two frontrunners; one (Romeny) attacking the other (Rudy) on the sanctuary city status of NY and the other (Rudy) using some quick words to slam the other (Mitty) on his sanctuary mansion. I wonder how long it took Rudy's campaign to come up with a sanctuay mansion? And is that all the Mitt has in return - "Am I supposed to check the papers of all the worker who work on my yard?" NO, but you should ask the yard company if they employee illegal aliens before you hire them. What you just thought up the idea to run for president of the United States? Maybe you should be thinking about ALL your actions if you plan on being the leader of the free world. Just a thought.
Other than the first few minute smack-down, the rest of the debate was pretty boring. I also thought the Anderson Cooper, who is one sexy man (in a very non-gay way), did a great job. Well I wish he would have let the audience really get into the booing of some of the candidates - especially on Rudy's stupid comments regarding gun control. Nice moderate comments coming from the man who outlawed small handgun on NYC. Anyway, let the crowd really express their feelings. Maybe we should institute a bull-crap button for each audience member and if over 50% push it during an answer then the candidate gets shocked or a blinding red light with sirens goes off. Can you see Rudy dancing around all night with electric pants? Mr. Torture would certainly be against that kind of audience response - what the hell, is he the Republican version of the ACLU?
So here is what I think should happen - kick Duncun (Hunter, for those that don't know him - or about 95% of the Republicans in the U.S.) out of the race, admit Mr. Torture into a assisted living facility with his mommy in AZ, tell Fred that he entered too late and to get out early (he won't come in 2nd in one state - mark my words - NOT even TN), and push the hatchdoor on Tancredo (once again, who is he?). Let Ron Paul humor us until the middle of January - a taller version of Ross Perot (see, see, you look at my charts here and you'll see that I can change the world). Finally, just let Rudy, Mitty, and Huck finish the race. Huck will jump ship prior to Feb. 5th because he'll come in 2nd in IA and 5th in NH and SC, and Rudy and Mitt will fight it out on Super-Duper Tuesday. Can you imagine, a Democrat against a Mormon Democrat for the Republican nomination? Boy, Reagan is looking down from above with pride!
Other than the first few minute smack-down, the rest of the debate was pretty boring. I also thought the Anderson Cooper, who is one sexy man (in a very non-gay way), did a great job. Well I wish he would have let the audience really get into the booing of some of the candidates - especially on Rudy's stupid comments regarding gun control. Nice moderate comments coming from the man who outlawed small handgun on NYC. Anyway, let the crowd really express their feelings. Maybe we should institute a bull-crap button for each audience member and if over 50% push it during an answer then the candidate gets shocked or a blinding red light with sirens goes off. Can you see Rudy dancing around all night with electric pants? Mr. Torture would certainly be against that kind of audience response - what the hell, is he the Republican version of the ACLU?
So here is what I think should happen - kick Duncun (Hunter, for those that don't know him - or about 95% of the Republicans in the U.S.) out of the race, admit Mr. Torture into a assisted living facility with his mommy in AZ, tell Fred that he entered too late and to get out early (he won't come in 2nd in one state - mark my words - NOT even TN), and push the hatchdoor on Tancredo (once again, who is he?). Let Ron Paul humor us until the middle of January - a taller version of Ross Perot (see, see, you look at my charts here and you'll see that I can change the world). Finally, just let Rudy, Mitty, and Huck finish the race. Huck will jump ship prior to Feb. 5th because he'll come in 2nd in IA and 5th in NH and SC, and Rudy and Mitt will fight it out on Super-Duper Tuesday. Can you imagine, a Democrat against a Mormon Democrat for the Republican nomination? Boy, Reagan is looking down from above with pride!
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